
Pre-recorded Competition

Pandemic time but we never give up!Yes we did prerecorded done 💃💃💃💃We miss so much the live competition but we had a lot fun also dance in our little studio. When you have a passion doesn’t matter where you are, […]


Personal Trainer Certification

Another goal reached!!


Virtual Boston Competition 2021

VIRTUAL BOSTON COMPETITION 2021Simone:I’m very proud of all my students. They did very a great Job with awesome results!Robin: 28 1th place and 3 2th place. Top 20 StudentJuliana: 11 1th placeJean: 22 1th placeCassandra: 8 1th place , 5 […]


Happy Christmas to everybody!


Kings Ball Online Competition

Kings Ball online competition!! Congratulations to my student Jean Keeling for great results…12 firsts places. I’m very proud of you keep work hard!!