Pre-recorded Competition
Pandemic time but we never give up!Yes we did prerecorded done 💃💃💃💃We miss so much the live competition but we had a lot fun also dance in our little studio. When you have a passion doesn’t matter where you are, …
Virtual Boston Competition 2021
VIRTUAL BOSTON COMPETITION 2021Simone:I’m very proud of all my students. They did very a great Job with awesome results!Robin: 28 1th place and 3 2th place. Top 20 StudentJuliana: 11 1th placeJean: 22 1th placeCassandra: 8 1th place , 5 …
Kings Ball Online Competition
Kings Ball online competition!! Congratulations to my student Jean Keeling for great results…12 firsts places. I’m very proud of you keep work hard!!
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